Font name: Tarnished Halo
Creator: Andi Jones / Angelwerks
License type:Shareware
Average price:10
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Tarnished Halo - designed by Andi Jones

Thank you for downloading this channelzero! type-face.

Channelzero! fonts are distributed as shareware. If you intend to use any of our type-faces, please send $10 per font to the following address: Angelwerks, 28 Riverdale Avenue, Port Chester NY, 10573. If you are a designer or graphic artist, you can ignore the fee if you use one or more channelzero! fonts in published work, in print or on the net. If you do, please let us know.

You may redistribute any channelzero! type-face, in any medium, as long as you keep all documentation intact.

If you have any questions for channelzero!, Andi and Taylor are both available via email.

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