Font name: Akvaleir_regular
Creator: Ysengrin
License type:free
Average price:0
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Description of the font:
This inked-like font is freely based upon tattoos’ patterns of Maoris and Easter Island’s petroglyphs. It’s been created for our Role-Play Team. We’re developing our own module under Neverwinter Nights 2 Editor.
If you like RPG, just come to visit us! If you’re not interesting in role-play but like our site and our designs, feel free to contact us! (Leave a pm on the site to one of the Dungeon Master: Arkhan, Denice or Ysengrin).”
Our small community is always looking for some help. You can contribute by sharing:
- Artworks and drawings
- 3D models and/or textures
- NWN2 Maps
- Scripts
- Etc.
You can join us at (be aware that this is a French speaking place).
This font can’t be sold or used for commercial purpose without our consent. It is free for personal use.

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