Font name: Acid Bath
Creator: SLUT Digital Type
License type:free
Average price:0
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Description of the font:
This is the GENERIC SLUT TEXT FILE that comes with
all of the fonts available at SLUT Digital Type on
the World Wide Web.

This font is free.
This font was designed by Catsu!t.

This font my not be sold or any of that stuff like
put on a CD or anything. I give it to you free, and
you can pass it on for free. Please distribute this
file along with the font, because that is the common
shareware courtesy.

Tell people about me! I know I have a GeoCities site,
but that doesn't say anything about me as a person,
right? Come on, it's not fair to JUDGE!

... so lovably unfashionable typography ...

... so terribly unfashionable media productions ...

Teen Is a 4-Letter Word

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