Font name: Alfredo's Dance
Creator: Raymond Buetens
License type:Shareware
Average price:2.15
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Description of the font:
Thank you for downloading the first font from LAWN DART FONTS. "Alfredo's Dance" is a very close recreation of the 19th C. font "Italian Print" ©1877 by Draughtsman's Alphabets. Some punctuation has been estimated, but all letters (Upper & Lower) and numbers were recreated (and altered slightly) using FontLab. I have never seen this font used but I'm told it was created for circus billboards.
Its name has no meaning whatsoever.
If you'd like to donate $2.15 to the creation of future fonts please don't hesitate to make out checks to: Raymond Buetens
P.O. Box 2804
Menlo Park, CA 94026

If you don't feel guilty enough to donate, please send samples of your uses of "Alfredo's Dance".
Also, any comments or suggestions would be appreciated. This is my first font. Email- Thanks.

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