Font name: Astigma Regular
Creator: Kiwi Media
License type:Donationware
Average price:5
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Description of the font:
Once again, Kiwi Media presents another font...


Which has been described by casual onlookers as everything from "Kooky" to
"disquieting and unsettling."

Thanks to Permission magazine for coaxing me to do something fun like this.

And here comes the desperate plea for cash...

I'll kindly ask for a donation of $5 for this thing. Since my address changes
everytime I get a new lease (renting in a college town sucks, I tell you!) email
me for my latest snailmail address at

If you're a poor starving college student, well, I'm willing to forgo the
shareware fee. I remember what those days were like. I'll accept email, fame,
fortune, international acclaim, and the like instead of cash.

URL Time!

If you wish to check out my other fonts, they're viewable online at

If you're interested in contracting me for custom type design, web design, or
digital media consulting, the URL for that is

If for some odd reason you're interested in me as a human being, most relevant
data can be found at If you're interested in what
I do for fun, it's

If you're a Peter Murphy fan, there's

Astigma is copyright 1996 by Eric Oehler

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